Demand for student expulsion from U.C. Davis for promoting Hamas (and possible prosecution)

Demand for student expulsion from U.C. Davis for promoting Hamas (and possible prosecution)

The following was letter was emailed on 2/17/2015

February 16, 2015

Mr. Bruce Varner
Chairman, UC Board of Regents

Governor Jerry Brown
Ex officio, UC Board of Regents

Speaker Toni Atkins
Ex officio, UC Board of Regents

President Janet Napolitano
President of the University and ex officio, UC Board of Regents

Ms. Sherry Lansing
Member, UC Board of Regents

Abraham Oved
Student Regent-designate

Ms. Anne Shaw
Secretary and Chief of Staff to the Regents

Mr. Charles F. Robinson, Esq.
President, Legal Affairs
Office of General Counsel, Office of the President
University of California

Ms. Sheryl Vacca
Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance and Audit Officer
Office of the President
University of California

Kamala Harris
California Attorney General

Honorable Joel Anderson
California State Assembly

It has come to our attention that Azka Fayyaz, a member of the U.C. Davis’ student senate, posted on her Facebook page the following:

“Hamas & Shariah law have taken over UC Davis. Brb [be right back] crying over the resilience [sic]”

[The actual page can be seen below as published by Adam Kredo at The Washington Free Beacon:]

Ms. Fayyaz then posted:

“If a movement is not controversial, if no one is mad, it’s not strong enough & it’s not worth the fight. Israel will fall insha’Allah”


According to the University of California Policy Code 102.24 [attached], Ms. Fayyaz’s postings is prohibited conduct:

Conduct, where the actor means to communicate a serious expression of intent to terrorize, or acts in reckless disregard of the risk of terrorizing, one or more University students, faculty, or staff. ‘Terrorize’ means to cause a reasonable person to fear bodily harm or death, perpetrated by the actor or those acting under his/her control. ‘Reckless disregard’ means consciously disregarding a substantial risk. This section applies without regard to whether the conduct is motivated by race, ethnicity, personal animosity, or other reasons. This section does not apply to conduct that constitutes the lawful defense of oneself, of another, or of property.” (emphasis added; see attached)

Hamas is listed on the US State Department’s list of terror organizations. (See below).

Comments by a student government leader invoking “Sharia law” and “Hamas” along with the context that “Israel will fall” pretty much means a threat to kill Jews.

We believe that Ms. Fayyaz’s conduct is grounds for expulsion from U.C. Davis and warrants possible criminal charges.

As a California nonprofit corporation made up of California tax payers, we demand an in-depth investigation into these matters and a detailed response to our demands.

The Israel Group

  • U.C. Davis Code of Conduct
University of California Policy PACAOS-100 Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students (PACAOS)
102.24 Conduct, where the actor means to communicate a serious expression of intent to terrorize, or acts in reckless disregard of the risk of terrorizing, one or more University students, faculty, or staff. ‘Terrorize’ means to cause a reasonable person to fear bodily harm or death, perpetrated by the actor or those acting under his/her control. ‘Reckless disregard’ means consciously disregarding a substantial risk. This section applies without regard to whether the conduct is motivated by race, ethnicity, personal animosity, or other reasons. This section does not apply to conduct that constitutes the lawful defense of oneself, of another, or of property.
  • U.S. State Dept. List of Terrorists Organizations

Chapter 6 Terrorist Groups

Title 22 of the US Code, Section 2656f, which requires the Department of State to provide an annual report to Congress on terrorism, requires the report to include, inter alia, information on terrorist groups and umbrella groups under which any terrorist group falls, known to be responsible for the kidnapping or death of any US citizen during the preceding five years; groups known to be financed by state sponsors of terrorism about which Congress was notified during the past year in accordance with Section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act; and any other known international terrorist group that the Secretary of State determined should be the subject of the report. The list of designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) below is followed by a list of other selected terrorist groups also deemed of relevance in the global war on terrorism.

Foreign Terrorist Organizations

17 November Abu Nidal Organization (ANO) Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade Ansar al-Islam (AI) Armed Islamic Group (GIA) Asbat al-Ansar Aum Shinrikyo (Aum) Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) Communist Party of Philippines/New People’s Army (CPP/NPA) Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) Gama’a al-Islamiyya (IG) HAMAS Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) Hizballah Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) Jemaah Islamiya Organization (JI) Al-Jihad (AJ) Kahane Chai (Kach) Kongra-Gel (KGK) Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LT) Lashkar i Jhangvi (LJ) Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK) National Liberation Army (ELN) Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) Al-Qa’ida Real IRA (RIRA) Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) Revolutionary Nuclei (RN) Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C) Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC) Shining Path (SL) Tanzim Qa’idat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (QJBR) United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC)