EXCLUSIVE: Jew-Hatred in the California Democratic Party

EXCLUSIVE: Jew-Hatred in the California Democratic Party

Tania Singh, A California Democratic Party Executive Board Member

By Jack Saltzberg

In a Facebook correspondence, Tania Singh, a California Democratic Party Executive Board Member (who, on Facebook, also goes by the names Tania Singh Bhatia and Tania Bhatia) was messaging with a Facebook friend.

The friend wrote:

Israel is the new NAZI regime!!!

Singh Bhatia responded:

No. Don’t use the word-Nazi for Jewish people.

Genocidal maniac

(The Facebook link has since been deleted.)

Singh Bhatia is an active supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders, having co-hosted the 2nd Annual Bernie and Friends Super Progressive Bash: A Celebration of Activism in San Diego in February 2018.

Singh Bhatia also seems to be laying a foundation to run for office as well. She recently attended a progressive candidate leadership training program in Washington, D.C. that has promoted such candidates as Elizabeth Warren. Here is the application to the progressive training program.

It is often stated that only a fringe element of the Democratic party is antisemitic and anti-Israel. What can’t be debated is that it exists.

Personally, I have several Jewish friends and colleagues who are Democrats and staunch Zionists. The only question I have for them is: What are they doing to rid the Democratic party of antisemitic racists like Tania Singh Bhatia?

The Israel Group is reaching out to Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA) for his thoughts and a plan for action regarding a California Democratic Party Executive Board Member calling the Jewish people “fascist, ethno-nationalist, genocidal maniac, murderer, xenophobe, racist, bigot, hypocrite.”

Jack Saltzberg is the founder and president of The Israel Group. js@theisraelgroup.org.


California Democratic Party website page showing Tania Singh as an Executive Board Representative

Tania Singh Bhatia’s Facebook Pages

As Tania Singh Bhatia

As Tania Bhatia

Tania Singh’s Linkedin page

The progressive candidate leadership training program in Washington, D.C. of which Bhatia Singh was accepted and participated